Toulouse Artisan Colour Smudge

This is a soft blue Artisan Colour Smudge recipe painted in a base of Toulouse with lowlights of blue and highlights of orange.

What you will need:

1 - Paint in Toulouse chalk paint using your round brush to create subtle texture. Paint for full coverage.

2 - Make a coloured wax using Clubhouse Grey chalk paint and Clear wax, using a 1:1 ratio. Brush on with a natural bristle brush and wipe off excess with a lint-free rag.

3 - Using your angled detail brush apply your Old Denim colour smudge to create highlights. Water your paint down by up to 60% and brush on in sections, smudge into your waxed finish using a lint-free rag.

4 - Apply a second colour smudge using Firefly. This time apply to create shadows, focusing around edges, handles or carved details. Apply this the same way as in step 3.

5 - Continue to play around with your colour smudge colours until you are happy with the final result. You can 'dry smudge' too by using the paint with only 15% water added, this will give a darker more pigmented smudge for those areas where you really want the colour smudge to pop.

6 - Optional: Detail the edges with Forgotten Gold glide, using either a finger or a detail brush.

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